Skandinavisk medicinsk fremtid

We do research differently..


New approach to autoimmune disease.

We are working on the thesis that Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis is causing some autoimmune diseases. We have two project in pipeline (2022) MAP vaccine Kings College London which completed phase 1b. Mycobacteria Phage isolation at Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine.

Current approaches we are working on:

  • Phagetherapy (Phage collection phase)

Projects to be initiated 2019/2020:

Block lysine inhibiting genes in mycobacteria




Nørregade 10,

1165 København, Denmark

US office, coming soon!



Our Approach


Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis is a bacterial parasite and the causative agent of paratuberculosis, a disease predominately found in cattle and sheep. Infection with this microorganism results in substantial farming economic losses and animal morbidity. The link between infection with this pathogen and human disease has been theorised for many years with Crohn’s disease being one of many suspected resultant conditions. Mycobacterium avium may be spread from animal to human hosts by water and foodborne transmission routes, where the foodborne route of exposure represents a significant risk for susceptible populations, namely children and the immune-compromised. Following colonisation of the host, the parasitic organism evades the host immune system by use of molecular mimicry, displaying peptide sequences similar to that of the host cells causing a disruption of self-verses non self-recognition. Theoretically, this failure to recognise the invading organism as distinct from host cells may result in numerous autoimmune conditions. Here, the author presents current information assessing the link between numerous diseases states in humans such inflammatory bowel disease, Type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto\’s thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis and autism following infection with Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis. The possibility of zoonotic transmission of the organism and its significant risk to public health safety as a consequence is also discussed.



Phage therapy is the use of bacteriophages to treat bacterial infections. This could be used as an alternative to antibiotics when bacteria develop resistance. Superbugs that are immune to multiple types of drugs are becoming a concern with the more frequent use of antibiotics.



We empower the world of academia and entrepreneurs to cooperate. In a world that is becoming more globalized and easy to travel, we found that the linguistic and juridical location can improve the quality and amount of research.



"Medicine is the lowest hanging fruit for increased wellbeing."

- Gustave Karlsson, inventor



Let's Chat

We are a small group of researchers with offices in Denmark and USA/Canada.

Solutions comes from efforts from a wide array of people, we like to hear your thoughts and findings. We are also interested in volunteers, financiers and researchers/innovators.